Paymasters are smart contracts that help facilitate transaction sponsorship, allowing third-party-designed mechanisms to pay for transactions. With Biconomy's Paymaster service, you can manage gas fees for your users effortlessly.
Revenue sharing: on a case-by-case basis depending on volumes, we do offer a split of the Paymaster fee revenue with selected Apps. to learn more.
To use it, you must set up the paymaster on the dashboard and obtain the paymasterURL. Biconomy paymaster supports two modes:
Sponsorship Paymaster
mode allows you to pay gas on behalf of the users, by eliminating the need for native tokens to be paid by the users.
Token Paymaster
mode allows you to pay for the gas fees of your users in exchange for ERC-20 tokens. Check out the latest supported ERC-20 tokens.
Learn how to utilize either of these Paymasters by checking out our How To Guide on Executing transactions
In the following sections, we will more systematically introduce the following concepts: